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Serves: 8

Named after the French Comtesse Du Barry (1743-1793).Her name has become associated with a number of dishes based on cauliflower.


  • 5 ounces butter
    8 ounces leeks ( white part), chopped
    5 ounces flour
    2 1/2 quarts water
    1 pound cauliflower, cut into small pieces
    1 pound veal bones
    6 egg yolks
    3/4 cup heavy cream
    1 cup milk


  • In a soup pot, melt butter and add he leeks. Stir over medium heat for 5 minutes. Do not brown. Add the flour and cook slowly for 5 minutes. Whisk in the water.
    Add the cauliflower and veal bones. Cover and simmer for 1 hour.
    Combine the egg yolks with the heavy cream. Boil the milk and whisk into the egg yolk mixture. Strain.
    Skim the butter off the top of the soup.
    Remove the bones, puree and strain soup.
    Add the egg yolk and milk mixture, mix well and season.
    For garnish add cooked small bunches of cauliflower and chopped chervil leaves.
Cauliflower soup Dubarry

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