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Serves two to three

Sweet figs balance sharp goat's cheese, tender golden onions in this pizza


  • For the dough:
    2.5g (¾ tsp) active dried yeast
    125g (4½oz) plain flour, plus more for dusting
    125g (4½oz) bread flour
    1 tsp olive oil

    For the topping:
    1 tbsp olive oil
    2 cups onion, halved and very finely sliced
    4-5 medium figs, halved
    2 cups peeled choppe dtomatoes
    1/2 cup black olives pitted
    125g (4½oz) goat’s cheese, broken into chunks
    a little extra-virgin olive oil for drizzling


  • First make the dough. Have 175ml (6fl oz) lukewarm water ready. Put the yeast into a couple of tablespoons of the warm water in a small bowl and add a tablespoon of the flour. Stir together, then leave somewhere warm to “sponge” for 20 minutes or so
    Put both types of flour into a large mixing-bowl and make a well in the centre. Pour on the sponged yeast, ¼ tsp salt, the oil and remaining water and gradually mix all the dry ingredients into the wet ingredients to form a dough (it will be quite wet). Knead for 10 minutes until satiny and elastic, then put in a clean bowl, cover with a cloth and leave somewhere warm for 2½ hours. It should double in size. (If you are using bought fresh dough put it somewhere warm for 30 minutes before using.)

    Boil the sliced onions until tender. Drain
    Heat the oil in a saucepan and add the onions. Fry over a medium heat for about ten minutes until golden. Add tomatoes and continue cooking until moisture is all evaporated. Season with salt and pepper Set aside.
    Half an hour before you want to cook the pizza, preheat the oven to 230°C/450°F/gas mark 8 – it really needs to be as hot as you can get it. Place a baking-sheet or pizza stone into the oven to heat.
    Turn out the dough on to a lightly floured surface and knead it a little, then roll it into a circle or a rough square, depending on whether you are using a pizza stone or a baking-sheet. It should be about 30-32cm (11¾-12½in) across.
    Carefully take the hot baking-sheet or stone out of the oven and flour it. Put the pizza dough on to it and, working quickly, top with the onions tomato mixture and the halved figs and olives, leaving a 3cm (1-inch) rim all the way around the pizza. Spoon a little balsamic vinegar on top of each fig half and sprinkle a bit of sugar on each as well. Dot the chunks of goat’s cheese among the figs. Drizzle the goat’s cheese with a little olive oil. Grind some pepper over the top. Bake in the hot oven for 15 minutes. The pizza should be golden and the figs slightly caramelised in patches.
    Serve immediately. A rocket, (arugala), spinach or watercress salad is good on the side.
Figs and goat cheese pizza

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