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serves: 6


  • 2 pounds pompano fillets, boned and skinned
    4 ounces butter
    1/2 cup white wine
    salt, ground white pepper to taste
    2 ounces sherry wine
    6 ounces cooked shrimp, sliced
    6 ounces crabmeat
    2 cups cream sauce
    1 dash Tabasco


  • Melt half of the butter in a sauté pan. Add scallions. Place pompano fillets on top. Cover, and steam for 3 to 5 minutes. Add the white wine, sherry, salt, and pepper.
    Cook until pompano is firm. Transfer fish to a pan and keep warm. To the same pan, add the cooked sliced shrimp and crabmeat. Stir in the sauce. Bring to a boil. Adjust seasonings.
    Cut the parchment paper into six heart shapes, about 14 inches (35 cm ) wide. Oil one side of paper.
    Place two tablespoons of seafood on right side of hearts. Top each with pompano, 2 tablespoons of sauce and fold left half of heart. Roll edges to seal.
    Bake in a 400 degree oven until bags puff. Serve hot with remaining cream sauce.
Pompano papillottes

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