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Makes 6 servings

Small tomatoes such as cherry, current or pear tomatoes are best eaten raw or briefly cooked. They are perfect for skewering and grilling because they do not fall apart, unless overcooked. If you are using wooden skewers, soak them for 30 minutes in cold water before using.


  • 36 small tomatoes, such as Cherry, Ping Pong, or Yellow Pear
    1 tablespoon olive oil
    1 tablespoon dried oregano
    salt and black pepper to taste
    Six wooden or metal skewers


  • Wash and drain tomatoes. Using a paper towel, dry each or spread on towels and allow to air dry so the oil will stick to the skins.
    Place the dry tomatoes in a large bowl. Drizzle with olive oil, and season with oregano and pepper.
    Toss to coat tomatoes. Thread 6 tomatoes, spaced at least an inch apart, on each of the 6 skewers.
    Brush hot grill grate with oil to prevent sticking. Arrange skewers on grate.
    Grill 2 to 4 minutes. Turn and grill the other side for 1 to 2 minutes. Remove skewers and sprinkle with salt, if desired.
Grilled tomatoes kebabs

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